On June 3rd, my son Nash will be graduating from Carver Elementary and moving on to Huntington Middle School. While that's nearly 3 months away, the yearbook committee recently requested that each parent write a congratulatory note for their child to be included in the upcoming yearbook.
That note is due today.
Because I tend to be long-winded, only a portion of this note will make it into the yearbook. However, when Graduation Day arrives and my son walks across that stage, THIS is the note that I will tearfully place into his hands...
Your mother and I are so proud of the man you are becoming...
And it has nothing to do with your grades, how many trophies you bring home, or how popular you turn out to be.
You have proven to
be a man of integrity. You truly care about others, and have a heart for those
who can’t help themselves.
Whatever you may achieve in this life, know that our
love for you will not ever change, for we couldn't be any prouder of you than we
already are.
So as you go forth in whichever direction you choose, I give you
permission to take chances. I give you permission to try new things and walk
different paths. And most importantly, I offer you the unlimited opportunity to make mistakes, and the freedom to fail...
While we’re excited for the things you’ll do
and Oh, the places you’ll go, know that the only thing that matters, is the
person you are and the character you show.