Monday, January 14, 2019

A Simple Return

As I am want to do, I will often share stories from my daily life. These so called “stories” are nothing more than an account of things that happen to me sometimes. But today was an especially good day. And this is what happened...
Earlier today, I ran into a friend that I haven’t seen in a very long time. I refer to her as a “friend”, but honestly, we’ve never really hung out socially. It’s just that whenever I run into this person, she will generally seek me out for conversation.
On this particular day, my “friend” who we will just call “Katie” for anonymity, spotted me from afar and waved emphatically to grab my attention. For context, whenever Katie and I talk, our conversations are almost always pretty heavy. The girl has her struggles. Psychologically. Emotionally. Spiritually. And even Practically... But, I will always hear her out. I never judge. And I just plain feel for the girl. Because I too, have walked more than a few miles in those same shoes.
The main focus of our conversations typically revolves around Anxiety. We will often discuss how crippling Anxiety can be. And how those spiraling, self-defeating thoughts can drag you into that deep abyss very quickly. But as we talk, Katie’s breath starts to settle. And she beings to relax... We are finishing up our discussion on how best to cope, when I abruptly redirect the conversation and throw out, “Hey. Can I ask you a question completely out of left field?”
She says, “Sure you can”
I then ask her, “How are you financially?”
That’s when her face falls to the floor… Visibly defeated, she goes on to say how tough it’s been. How her dad is on disability. How she can’t even afford the medications that her doctor prescribed for her current ailments. And how she is currently looking for a second job just to make ends meet.
I nod in understanding and say, “Well, I guess I better return this back to you then...”
“Return back to me?” she exclaimed. “What do you mean by RETURN TO ME?” Then I told her this story:
I met Katie over a year ago. I’ve always enjoyed our conversations, but my heart always went out to Katie, for her financial struggles as well as struggles in other areas in her life. Around that same time, I remember coming into a little bit of money. It wasn’t a lot, maybe a couple hundred dollars. Standing in my bedroom with that money in hand, I thought to myself that I have no need of this money. That I already have everything that I need.
And right at that moment, Katie’s face just popped into my head. So, without even taking a second to consider it. I took that money. Put it in an envelope. And wrote Katie’s name on it…
For 5 straight weeks after that day, I carried that envelope with me, in hopes that I would run into Katie again.
But I never did. For a whole year. Until today...
As I told her about the envelope, Katie begins to cry… But then I apologize saying, “I’m so sorry Katie! I had no idea I would see you today. And I don’t have the envelope with me.”
She smiles and says, “It’s OK. It’s the thought that counts.”
And while that might be good enough for some, if you know me at all, you know that ain't good enough for me... So I turn to her and say, “Here’s what I’m gonna do. All the money that’s currently in my wallet is yours. I have no idea how much it is, but if it’s in there, what’s mine is yours…”
And thank goodness for small favors, I take a quick peek into my wallet and it’s a pretty decent amount. I fold it up and hand it to her quietly as to not embarrass her. As she takes the cash from my hand, tears on both sides are pooling up like oceans. She says, “Kyle, I can’t take your money!” But then I remind her...
“That money is yours. That day. One year ago. When I wrote your name on that envelope. That money became yours and yours alone... Katie, I’ve been holding this money for you. Until such day when I would see you again. So take the money. It’s not a big deal. I’m only returning to you what was already yours...”

#kindness #simplekindness #payitforward

Friday, January 4, 2019


2018 is officially behind us. And as I look back on the year, certain stories stay with me even today. But the funny thing is…These are not my stories. I am not the protagonist. I am not the conquering hero in ANY of these movies. Not even close...

Each of these stories are unique unto themselves. Different places. Different times. Different circumstances. But there is ONE common thread running through all of them. In each story, the central figure is the same. The person who saves the day is the same. The person who de-fuses the bomb is the same. The daring, swashbuckling, sword wielding “Hero” who rides in at the end of the movie, is the same…

In ALL of these stories, that HERO... is a SINGLE MOM.

I’m not sure why in particular I’ve been privy to Single Moms telling me their stories this year. Maybe it’s because I always have a ready ear. Or maybe it’s because I actually took the time to ask… But whatever the case may be, I am honored to know such valiant heroes. I am chastened by their acts of bravery, love, and perseverance.

I hear their stories. Listen to their trials. But then I just get to sit back... As I watch them OVERCOME.

I am not saying that all Single Moms are perfect. Nobody is perfect. Everyone trips on the sidewalk from time to time. Heck, I’ve tripped on the friendly neighborhood sidewalk before too. And I have a crushed cell phone and a cell phone sized bruise on my left thigh to prove it! :)

But the ability to LOVE and CARE for your family does not require perfection. Standing up for your family can be done on just ONE good leg. The Single Moms I know don’t make excuses. They make solutions…

In comparison, my life is easy. I can call for a “pinch hitter” to sub in for me whenever I want. All the tasks and responsibilities of running a family have been halved with me. God willing, I will never have to bear the weight of being the sole “breadwinner” alone. I am the luckiest dude in town, and I know it...

But every life is different. And we all must play the cards we’ve been dealt. So, as I play my hand to the best of my ability, I take a moment to honor those HEROES that push me. That raise the bar. That rise above their circumstances. That show me what TRUE PARENTING really looks like...

To all the Single Moms I know and have yet to meet,

Your stories. Your trials. Your hard fought victories. Have not gone unnoticed. They have made me a better parent to my kids. They compel me to be a better citizen of the world…

So, for this and so much more… THANK YOU.

#singlemom #hero #parenting