Friday, April 8, 2011

Kyle's First Note

So I haven't blogged or written anything in a while.  Yesterday, when I was writing an overly long status, Facebook prompted me to write a note.  I didn't even know you could do that and what the purpose of a Facebook Note was.  Either way, I needed to start writing again and this was a good enough reason to force myself to do it.  So, I sat down and this is what came out.

Kyle's First Note

I heard a great new phrase on the radio today...  The phrase was "Paralysis By Over Analysis."  Do you ever feel like that?  I sure do.  When faced with certain situations, I will often over think things to the point of standing utterly still. (i.e. paralaysis)  In the past, I've always been a big proponent of preparedness, sound reasoning, and of anticipating possible outcomes before taking any action.  But I must say, there is also  a lot to be said for just taking the plunge and diving headfirst into that pool of uncertainty.

This topic brings to mind another phrase or quote I've often used in my life, and that is  "There is no right or wrong decision, there is only making a decision and then making it the right one."

I just love that line.  It lessens the pressure of making that first initial decision, yet puts the onus on you to follow through and back up your decision with action.  Everyone including myself, will come upon a time when decisions regarding our respective futures will have to be made.  When that time comes, will paralysis set in?  Or will careful consideration turn into cold refrigeration?

I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying to be the best version of myself everyday. While that sounds admirable, more often than not, I fall miserably short.  Yet, failures aside, I and we must continue to take steps forward and move in a positive direction.  Analysis is good, but not when it results in the kind of paralysis that leads to stagnation and a life of missed opportunities.

The title for this little piece is called Kyle's First Note.  Initially, the meaning of that title couldn't have been more innocuous.  This was simply my first Facebook Note.  Soon though, the words kept coming and the volume in my head got louder and louder.  It got me to thinking about this one little thought, that Every Symphony starts with just One Note.  Just one...

My friends,

Wherever we are in our lives, our symphony awaits...  but we must first choose to play that first note.  What note will you play?

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